
3A Diamond Pro/THSB Top 25 (April 8)

1. Boyd (21-2-1) 2. Wall (20-3) 3. London (23-2) 4. Gunter (21-0) 5. Central Heights (21-1) 6. Bushland (17-2-1) 7. Brock (17-2) 8. Troy (20-2) 9. Franklin (17-3) 10. Maypearl (11-8) 11. Harmony (17-5) 12. Columbus (16-5) 13. Emory Rains (17-4-1) 14. Holliday (15-5)...

3A Diamond Pro/THSB Top 25 (April 1)

1. Boyd (18-2-1) 2. Wall (18-3) 3. London (20-2) 4. Gunter (19-0) 5. Central Heights (18-1) 6. Bushland (15-2-1) 7. Brock (15-2) 8. Troy (17-2) 9. Franklin (14-3) 10. Maypearl (10-9) 11. Harmony (15-5) 12. Columbus (14-5) 13. Emory Rains (14-4-1) 14. Falfurrias (15-...

3A Diamond Pro/THSB Top 25 (Mar 25)

1. Boyd (16-2-1) 2. Wall (16-3) 3. London (18-2) 4. Gunter (17-0) 5. Central Heights (16-1) 6. Bushland (13-2-1) 7. Brock (13-2) 8. Troy (13-2) 9. Franklin (12-3) 10. Maypearl (8-8) 11. Harmony (13-5) 12. Falfurrias (14-5-1) 13. Columbus (12-5) 14. Emory Rains (12-4...

3A Diamond Pro/THSB Top 25 (Mar 18)

1. Boyd (14-2-1) 2. Wall (14-3) 3. London (16-2) 4. Gunter (15-0) 5. Central Heights (14-1) 6. Bushland (12-2-1) 7. Brock (10-1) 8. Troy (13-2) 9. Franklin (10-3) 10. Maypearl (7-7) 11. Harmony (11-5) 12. Falfurrias (12-5-1) 13. Columbus (10-5) 14. Emory Rains (10-4...

3A Diamond Pro/THSB Top 25 (Mar 11)

1. Boyd (12-2-1) 2. Wall (12-3) 3. London (13-2) 4. Gunter (13-0) 5. Central Heights (12-1) 6. Bushland (11-2-1) 7. Brock (9-1) 8. Troy (11-2) 9. Franklin (8-3) 10. Hallettsville (9-3) 11. Maypearl (6-7) 12. Harmony (10-4) 13. Falfurrias (11-4-1) 14. Columbus (8-5) ...

3A Diamond Pro/THSB Top 25 (Mar 4)

1. Boyd (8-1-1) 2. Wall (8-2) 3. London (8-1) 4. Gunter (9-0) 5. Central Heights (8-0) 6. Maypearl (6-3) 7. Bushland (8-1-1) 8. Brock (6-1) 9. Troy (8-1) 10. Columbus (7-1) 11. Scurry-Rosser (10-0) 12. Franklin (3-2) 13. Hallettsville (5-2) 14. Harmony (5-4) 15. Fal...

Flat Bill Baseball/THSB 3A Region IV Outlook

    . .     .   Click here to check out all Flat Bill has to offer!   3A Region IV District Predictions 25-3A 26-3A 27-3A 28-3A 1. Hallettsville 1. Marion 1. Poth 1. Lytle 2. Columbus 2. S...

Flat Bill Baseball/THSB 3A Region III Outlook

    . .     .   Click here to check out all Flat Bill has to offer!   3A Region III District Predictions 17-3A 18-3A 19-3A 20-3A 1. Maypearl 1. Malakoff 1. Troy 1. Franklin 2. West 2. Mild...

Flat Bill Baseball/THSB 3A Region II Outlook

    . .     .   Click here to check out all Flat Bill has to offer!   3A Region II District Predictions 9-3A 10-3A 11-3A 12-3A 1. Scurry-Rosser 1. Boyd 1. Gunter 1. Emory Rains 2. Palmer 2...

Flat Bill Baseball/THSB 3A Region I Outlook

    . .     .   Click here to check out all Flat Bill has to offer!   3A Region I District Predictions 1-3A 2-3A 3-3A 4-3A 1. Bushland 1. Idalou 1. Denver City 1. Alpine 2. River Road 2. S...