
4A Flat Bill Baseball Regional Semifinal Playoff Results

                Click here to check out what Flat Bill has to offer! Region I W4 Canyon Randall (33-3) Vs. W7 Wichita Falls (21-14) Randall 16 Wichita Falls 1 Randall 6 Wichita Falls 0 (RANDALL ADVANCES) ...

4A Flat Bill Baseball Regional Quarterfinal Playoff Results

                  Click here to check out what Flat Bill has to offer! Region I W4 Canyon Randall (31-3) Vs. F4 Hereford (21-9-1) Canyon Randall 1 Hereford 0 Canyon Randall 12 Hereford 2 (CANYON RA...

4A Flat Bill Baseball Area Playoff Results

                Click here to check out what Flat Bill has to offer! Region I W4 Canyon Randall (29-3) Vs. R1 El Paso Bowie (13-12) Randall 21 El Paso Bowie 2 Randall 13 El Paso Bowie 0 (CANYON RANDALL AD...

4A Flat Bill Baseball Bi-District Playoff Results

                Click here to check out what Flat Bill has to offer! Region I W4 Canyon Randall (27-3) Vs. F3 Seminole (13-12-1) Randall 7 Seminole 3 Randall 9 Seminole 3 (RANDALL ADVANCES) R1 El Paso...

Diamond Pro/THSB 4A Top 25 (May 1)

1. Sinton - 28-1 2. Celina - 27-4 3. Canyon Randall - 28-3 4. Boerne - 26-4 5. China Spring - 26-3-1 6. Pleasant Grove - 24-5-1 7. Spring Hill - 21-6-2 8. Carthage - 24-5 9. Godley - 27-3-1 10. Lufkin Hudson - 24-5-3 11. Taylor - 23-3-1 12. Robstown - 16-10-1 13. Co...

Diamond Pro/THSB 4A Top 25 (Apr 24)

1. Sinton - 27-1  2. Celina - 24-4  3. Canyon Randall - 26-3 4. Boerne - 24-4 5. China Spring - 24-3-1 6. Pleasant Grove - 22-5-1 7. Spring Hill - 20-5-2  8. Carthage - 22-5 9. Godley - 25-3-1 10. Lufkin Hudson - 22-5-3  11. Taylor - 22-3-1 12. Robstown - 16-9-1  ...

Diamond Pro/THSB 4A Top 25 (Apr 17)

1. Sinton - 25-1  2. Celina - 22-4 3. Canyon Randall - 24-3 4. Boerne - 23-3  5. China Spring - 22-3-1 6. Pleasant Grove - 20-5-1 7. Spring Hill - 18-5-2  8. Carthage - 20-5  9. Godley - 23-3-1 10. Lufkin Hudson - 19-5-3 11. Corpus Christi Calallen - 22-4 12. Tulos...

Diamond Pro/THSB 4A Top 25 (Apr 10)

1. Sinton - 22-1  2. Celina - 19-4  3. Canyon Randall - 22-3  4. Boerne - 21-2  5. China Spring - 18-3-1  6. Pleasant Grove - 18-4-1  7. Godley - 22-1-1  8. Spring Hill - 16-5-2  9. Carthage - 18-5  10. Tuloso-Midway - 18-6-3  11. Lufkin Hudson - 17-5-3 12. T...

Diamond Pro/THSB 4A Top 25 (Apr 3)

1. Sinton - 20-1  2. Celina - 18-3  3. Canyon Randall - 20-3  4. Boerne - 20-2  5. China Spring - 17-3-1  6. Pleasant Grove - 16-4-1 7. Godley - 20-1-1  8. Spring Hill - 15-4-2  9. Carthage - 17-4  10. Tuloso-Midway - 17-6-3 11. Lufkin Hudson - 15-5-3  12. Tay...

Diamond Pro/THSB 4A Top 25 (Mar 27)

1. Sinton - 18-1 2. Celina - 15-3 3. Canyon Randall - 18-3 4. Boerne - 18-2 5. Corpus Christi Calallen - 17-3 6. China Spring - 14-3-1 7. Pleasant Grove - 13-4-1 8. Godley - 17-1-1 9. Spring Hill - 13-4-2 10. Carthage - 15-4 11. Tuloso-Midway - 15-6-3 12. Lu...