Purchasing the THSB Magazine

The Magazines can only be purchased at the Coach’s Convention in Waco or through the website:

1) Reserve your orders and have your Coach pick them up with payment at the Convention for $10 per magazine

The price per magazines is $9.95 + tax. However, at the Coach’s Convention, we are going to sell the Magazines for $9.24 + $0.76 tax to make it an even $10 purchase. We take checks, cash or credit cards at the convention. If your team decides to reserve magazines at the convention, contact Tim Baugh at tim@gcrcc.org and let him know name of team, coach, and # of magazines to reserve

2) Order through the website.

If purchased through the website, the cost of the magazine will be $9.95 + $0.82 tax + $4.70 shipping and handling fee, making the total $15.47 per magazine. You can pay by credit card. Magazines will be mailed within 2 days of purchase.

There will be 5,000 magazines printed. I know a lot of parents will want a copy of the magazine. Your parents can make sure that they get a magazine by pre-ordering a certain number and having your coach pick them up at the convention. We will set aside the number of magazines reserved and only sell what is remaining. The magazines will be packaged so that they travel well back to the school. Again, the cost of the magazine at the convention will be $10.00 (tax included.)

If you would like to pre-order magazines, check with your coaches and your parents and then email me and let me know how many you guys want to reserve. I will send you back an invoice for the amount your coach needs to bring at the convention to pick up your team’s magazines. We can take checks, credit or debit cards and cash.