D-BAT 4A Hitter of the Week

 admin  |    Feb 27th, 2014

D-BAT 4A Hitter of the Week

Garrett McCain, Sr, P/OF, Wylie East  (10-13, .770, HR, 3B, 3 2B, 10 RBI, 10 R, 1.385 SLG)


Runner Up – Joe Breaux, Jr, OF, Tomball  (10-19, .526, 2 HR – 1 walk off, 3BB, 12 R , 1.053 SLG)

Honorable Mention – Darrien Williams, Sr, Rudder  (8-12, .667, 2 HR, 3B, 2 2B, 8 RBI, 1.500 SLG)

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