Flat Bill Baseball 3A Regional Quarterfinal Results
Region I
T2 Lubbock-Cooper Liberty (22-9) Vs. R2 Idalou (22-7)
Liberty 1 Idalou 0
Idalou 11 Libtery 1
W8 Brock (27-2) Vs. W7 Holliday (23-7)
Brock 8 Holliday 1
Brock 12 Holliday 1 (BROCK ADVANCES)
Flat Bill Baseball 3A Area Results
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Region I
W4 Tornillo (16-10-1) Vs. T2 Lubbock-Cooper Liberty (20-9)
Liberty 4 Tornillo 3
Liberty 3 Tornillo 0 (LIBERTY ADVANCES)
Flat Bill Baseball 3A Area Schedules
Click here to check out what Flat Bill has to offer!
Region I
W4 Tornillo (16-10-1) Vs. T2 Lubbock-Cooper Liberty (20-9)
Game 1: Thursday, May 9 @ Hobbs, 7:00
Game 2: Friday, May 10 @ Hobb...
Flat Bill Baseball 3A Bi-District Results
Click here to check out what Flat Bill has to offer!
Region I
W4 Tornillo Vs. F3 Brownfield (9-17)
Tornillo 7 Brownfield 2
Brownfield 5 Tornillo 2
Tornill0 4 Brownfield 2 (TORNILLO ADVANCES...
Diamond Pro/THSB 3A Top 25 (April 29)
1. Boyd (26-4-1)
2. Wall (25-3)
3. London (29-2)
4. Gunter (28-0)
5. Brock (23-2)
6. Bushland (23-3-1)
7. Diboll (25-2)
8. Central Heights (25-3)
9. Troy (26-3)
10. Franklin (23-3)
11. Harmony (23-5)
12. Edgewood (24-9-1)
13. Holliday (19-6)
14. Columbus (20-7)
3A Diamond Pro/THSB Top 25 (April 22)
1. Boyd (25-2-1)
2. Wall (24-3)
3. London (28-2)
4. Gunter (26-0)
5. Central Heights (25-1)
6. Bushland (21-2-1)
7. Brock (21-2)
8. Troy (24-2)
9. Franklin (22-3)
10. Harmony (21-5)
11. Emory Rains (21-4-1)
12. Holliday (17-5)
13. Diboll (22-2)
14. Edgewood (21-8-1)
3A Diamond Pro/THSB Top 25 (April 15)
1. Boyd (23-2-1)
2. Wall (22-3)
3. London (26-2)
4. Gunter (24-0)
5. Central Heights (22-1)
6. Bushland (19-2-1)
7. Brock (19-2)
8. Troy (22-2)
9. Franklin (20-3)
10. Harmony (19-5)
11. Columbus (18-5)
12. Emory Rains (18-4-1)
13. Holliday (16-5)
14. Diboll (21-2)
3A Diamond Pro/THSB Top 25 (April 8)
1. Boyd (21-2-1)
2. Wall (20-3)
3. London (23-2)
4. Gunter (21-0)
5. Central Heights (21-1)
6. Bushland (17-2-1)
7. Brock (17-2)
8. Troy (20-2)
9. Franklin (17-3)
10. Maypearl (11-8)
11. Harmony (17-5)
12. Columbus (16-5)
13. Emory Rains (17-4-1)
14. Holliday (15-5)...
3A Diamond Pro/THSB Top 25 (April 1)
1. Boyd (18-2-1)
2. Wall (18-3)
3. London (20-2)
4. Gunter (19-0)
5. Central Heights (18-1)
6. Bushland (15-2-1)
7. Brock (15-2)
8. Troy (17-2)
9. Franklin (14-3)
10. Maypearl (10-9)
11. Harmony (15-5)
12. Columbus (14-5)
13. Emory Rains (14-4-1)
14. Falfurrias (15-...
3A Diamond Pro/THSB Top 25 (Mar 25)
1. Boyd (16-2-1)
2. Wall (16-3)
3. London (18-2)
4. Gunter (17-0)
5. Central Heights (16-1)
6. Bushland (13-2-1)
7. Brock (13-2)
8. Troy (13-2)
9. Franklin (12-3)
10. Maypearl (8-8)
11. Harmony (13-5)
12. Falfurrias (14-5-1)
13. Columbus (12-5)
14. Emory Rains (12-4...